Halloween at Disneyland

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who messed with my karma?

Here's a couple pictures to prove the cuckoo factor around here! Like I would post actual pictures of all these injuries...someone might report me! Ok, the real reason is I don't have any and I have NO time to blog! I don't know how you people post so much!I feel so inadequate! I'm going to hire someone to blog for me!'s about time for preschool!

Ok, I know I haven't written forever but I have a freakin good reason! So, first Haydie pops a tooth. The next weekend Quinn busted a giant hole in his head on the neighbors trampoline. He got "fixed my right up" as he says with some good old super glue care of mommy! I know what you are thinking, I should have taken him to get stitches but I have a huge rollerblading scar on my leg that I have had plastic surgery on 3 times and it still looks like a shark bite and you can see every stitch! They look like spiders.I would show ya, but I'm carrying what I'm calling "baby weight" at least until kindergarten. Anyways, being a wee bit accident prone myself, especially with my hair shears, super glue makes for the littlest scar! Wait, the drama builds....the day after the super glue Quinn steps on a nail!! Whats with the luck! I have been putting out all my good karma and my house is in feng shui and I read the secret! My dad just laughed at me and told me this is just the beginning. Thats what you get for having 2 boys I guess. Hey, not my deciding gene! jk, boys are the best. I can be the only drama queen. But I did not miss the chance to remind my dad that while Dr. Hirsche was digging rocks and glass out of my leg he had to be taken to another room and given oxygen by his own employees! Should have stuck with super glue! So, last time I blogged all about Haydie's tooth and I got screwed so I was just seeing if I kept quiet the lacerations would stop already! No such luck, both boys are getting bumped and bruised everyday and Hayden's legs look like pock marks they have so many bruises! I swear I don't just throw out a ball or 2 and let my animals loose in the backyard! All I do all day is hang out with them and watch them bust themselves and each other. Luckily, the anxiety gods came up with a pill for that!!


hollie said...

You are such a crack up! Welcome to my world...I have three remember! We even manage to brake bones at this house. I may need you to teach me the super glue trick. The only thing I super glue successfully is my own fingers together.

By the way...if you ever refer to yourself as having baby weight, I am going to sign up for fat camp!

sillyhaywardfamily said...

Karen If you would just stop beatin those kids, Ha Ha !! I guess that is what I get to look forward too in a couple years!! When are you coming down to happy valley?

Hannah Ashmore said...

Your boys are so cute!

Jamie Jo said...

You crack me RIGHT THE FREAK UP! Holy smokes... you could post on your blog once a year for all I care, if they are THAT comical!? We love you!

Kory Klein said...

Cute crazy boys are so fun and exhausting aren't they? Can't wait to see you in June. We need to get together. I am in Utah for most of July.

Kass Martin said...

Oh! that sucks! I totally know the feeling. I watch them like a hawk yet there are countless bruises that are unaccounted for and cuts, scraps...all over their bodies. I'm glad no one close to me works for child protective services b/c if they caught a glimpse...who knows what could happen. I am sick thinking of digging out glass and gravel! Yuck!!