Halloween at Disneyland

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Does God have a phone?

Last night while I was putting Quinton to bed I said we should say our prayers. Quinn is in his "why" phase (AHHHHHHH) and he wanted to know if Jesus would come to our house and talk to him instead of just saying a prayer to him. I told him that Jesus lives in heaven with our loved ones and they are our angels that watch over us. He thought about that for a while, then he said he wanted to get Jesus on the phone!! He settled for a letter that we then turned into a paper airplane and flew it to God out the window.....

Dear Jesus
I wish I could see you so I wrote you this letter and I'm going to fly it to you. Thank you for my friend Simba and for all you have helped me do. Thank you for Daddy,Mommy,Quinn and Hayden. I want you to come talk to me soon.

How cute is that!!


hollie said...

You just made my day! I was thinking about you just the other day...what are the odds. You look so great and your family is adorable. I can't wait to get together-let's make it soon. I think that all of our boys (big and little) would have fun. Chat soon.

Heather said...

Yea! So glad you found us. As always, you are totally cracking me up! Your family is darling (which of course is no big surprise)! I can't wait to keep tabs on you and follow your adventures!

hollie said...

it's me again...I just realized that I should have left me email so we can try and get together-it's By the way, you think I'm normal?

sillyhaywardfamily said...

K I love that letter he sent to jesus!!That is the cutest thing I have ever heard!!! And I love that you are ariel!!!! I think it is great!!! Hey we totally need to get together !!!!!! Let seriously plan something!!! email me your phone number so I can call you!!!!!
p.s sorry about your misscarriage, but if your not sad about it then I won't be either!!
P.s.s. Yes I still do whitney's hair, in fact I am cutting collin's hair tomorrow morning! I will be sure to tell him hi from his auntie Karen!!!

Hannah Ashmore said...

That is way too cute! What a clever thinker you are mama. Paper airplane to heaven-who would have thought it?

Tiffany said...

That is hillarious!!! You better save that letter for when he grows up. Sooooooo cute! Love the baby pics too, they are both very photogenic, must get it from their mother :) Love ya, Tiff

Heather Harper said...

That letter is the cutest thing EVER!! I just get annoyed with Braden's questions, but maybe I should be creative. Ha!
PS: How do you know HOllie?!? Her hubby and mine are high school and football buds. :) Small world. If you see her, say HELLO for me!
PS: I want to see pics of your new hair do. I read about it on Jess's blog comment. Post away, pics of YOU!